(mr)Sano ai
自ら提唱する emancipationism-解放主義- を主題に表現する。
The theme of the exhibition is “emancipationism,” which he advocates.
To free oneself from all the ties and values that have formed in one’s life, such as stereotypes, relationships, and lifestyles, and to free oneself from past deeds and mistakes, politics, and the inconvenience of food, clothing, and shelter.
To aim for liberation from past deeds and mistakes, from politics, and from the inconvenience of food, clothing, and shelter.
To rally from the micro liberation of the individual to the macro liberation on a global scale.
Those who practice, support, and sympathize with this activity are called emancipatists.
The root of all this is that life respects life, thinks of nature as beautiful, and desires to continue to harmonize with it.